Intentional Living for Beginners: Unlocking the Power to Create Fulfillment

Intentional Living for Beginners: Unlocking the Power to Create Fulfillment

Looking to live a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment? If so, intentional living for beginners is the philosophy you need to explore! Hello and welcome! If you’re here, chances are you’re looking to take your life to the next level. Well, congratulations — you’re in the right place! Intentional living is a great…

10 Creative Ways to Incorporate Random Acts of Kindness at Work

10 Creative Ways to Incorporate Random Acts of Kindness at Work

This post is about 10 creative ways to incorporate random acts of kindness at work. Random acts of kindness are a beautiful way to bring joy and positivity to our workplaces. Showing compassion, appreciation, and recognition can make someone else’s day, while also lifting our own spirits. Being kind doesn’t need to be complicated –…

Harnessing Compassion & Acceptance with Loving-Kindness Meditation

Harnessing Compassion & Acceptance with Loving-Kindness Meditation

Discover how loving-kindness meditation can transform your mindset and bring more compassion and acceptance into your life Are you looking for ways to cultivate feelings of compassion, understanding and acceptance in your life? Loving-Kindness Meditation is a powerful practice that has been used for centuries to bring positive vibes into our lives. It’s a simple…

Combat Negative Thinking & Increase Fulfillment with the 3 Good Things Practice

Combat Negative Thinking & Increase Fulfillment with the 3 Good Things Practice

Learn how to combat negative thinking and increase your overall fulfillment with the powerful 3 Good Things Practice. I know the feeling of being a working mom struggling with guilt, overwhelm, and having negative thoughts just take over. I’ve been there many times and it is exhausting! To battle the overwhelming negativity, I discovered a…

Transform Your Life as a Mom With the Power of Gratitude Journal

Transform Your Life as a Mom With the Power of Gratitude Journal

This post explores incorporating a gratitude journal into your daily routine can have a transformative impact on your life as a mom. Are you feeling overwhelmed as a working mom? Maybe the juggle between work and parenting leaves you feeling frazzled on many levels. Maybe your inner fire is dwindling…if so, then it’s time to…

Feelings of Appreciation: How to Cultivate Them with Mindful Breathing Exercises

Feelings of Appreciation: How to Cultivate Them with Mindful Breathing Exercises

This post is about how to cultivate feelings of appreciation through the practice of mindful breathing exercises. Negativity is all around, from the news and your workplace to even those closest to you. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with sadness, anxiety, and stress – forgetting about everything good in life. Thankfully there is an effective…